Crockpot applesauce recipe

Want your kitchen to smell like fall? Your family will be impressed by this homemade applesauce. You don’t need to tell anyone how simple this was. If you overcook it, you have apple butter. We do not add any sugar as the natural flavors and sweetness of the apples make it perfect.

YIELD: 4 cups

COOK TIME: 4 hours


3 pounds apples (6-9), peeled, cored, and cut into 1 1/2 inch chunks
1 cup apple cider, plus extra as needed
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon (or 2 cinnamon sticks) *optional


Combine all ingredients in slow cooker. Cover and cook until apples are very soft and beginning to disintegrate, about 4 hours on low. Remove cinnamon sticks if using. Mash apples thoroughly with potato masher (or blend with immersion blender). Season with sugar or cinnamon to taste and adjust consistency with additional hot apple juice or cider as needed.

*Recommended apples: Paula Red, Ginger Gold, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, Jonathan, Golden Delicious, Cortland


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